Sunday, March 04, 2007

Picture of Ty and Tim (And Update)

Today is Ty's 4th day! We were bummed that Ty had another seizure last night, but he had a great day. While he still has a bit more to go, Ty's breathing is getting better. He finally got to eat. And, he even took a big poop! I never thought I'd be so happyy to change a diaper before. (Oh, yes...the nurses "invite" the parents in the NICU to do all of the diaper changing.) Ty finally opened his eyes a few times...for a few peeks. Ty should get used to the anti-seizure medications soon so he'll have his eyes open more often.

Tomorrow is a big test day for Ty. While they don't anticipate finding anything, they are running a battery of tests to make sure that something congenital doesn't make Ty at risk for strokes (like heart issues, blood clotting problems). I hope this is his last day of lots of poking and blood taking!

1 comment:

Dms said...

congratulations - mr ty is adorable :)

all our prayers for ty, you and tim