Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ty in Real Clothes in a Regular Crib

When we arrived this morning, Ty was out of his isolette and in a regular crib. This is one more step closer to his release. His body temperature is now easier for him to maintain and now they can swaddle him without having to watch for seizures.

Also, Ty was transitioned from high-flow oxygen to low-flow oxygen. Basically, the high flow has more moisture and actually pumps the oxygen to him. With the low-flow, it is simply adding 0.5 to 1.5% more oxygen than room air, but he actually has to work for it. So, that is one more step to being released. All we are waiting for now is for Ty to be completely off any additional oxygen. The doctors and nurses are confident it will be in the next few days...Ty just needs to wean himself.

Fortunately, the doctors have changed Ty's feeding schedule to "on demand". This is great because we aren't trying to wake him up when he really isn't hungry, nor is he having to wait for when he is scheduled to eat. It does require a bit more flexibility on our part. So, we are simply on standby from the nurses to let us know when Ty is ready to eat again. So, we'll head back to the hospital in a few hours to nurse him.

So, now we just wait for Ty to wean himself off of the last bit of oxygen before they prepare us for discharge. We hope to have that exciting news to post soon!

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