Monday, March 17, 2008

Big Catch Up!

Holy Cow! It has been weeks since I've posted. This juggling work and a wild child is hard! Work is going pretty well, although I think the concept of work is still overrated. Ty is doing great and his babysitter is working out very well. Although, I sort of lament the fact that they are playing while I'm doing boring client stuff.

Ty turned one! Can you believe it? It has been somewhat the slowest fast moving year ever! Ty is trying to get a head start into the terrible two's, as he is very vocal when he doesn't get his way now.


Ty is in full sprint mode now. His "takeoff" and "landing" are a little precarious, but his walking and running is in full throttle. Needless to say, we are thrilled that he is walking. We tried very hard to not get too excited, but the fact that Ty is walking after his initial health problems and the threat of not developing well make this so much more exciting.

We got some other great news. Ty had his one year checkup with our Hematologist. They checked his Protein C levels, which is a marker for clotting and possibly another stroke. Ty's levels were perfect and he is deemed to be at no further risk. So, while we like our Hematologist, she politely told us to get lost for good. Yea!

Lots of pictures on Flickr.
For the February Pictures:

For the March Pictures:

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