Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ready for Christmas

We are getting ready to go to Colorado for Christmas. Because we are using free tickets, we are leaving the night of December 19th and returning on Christmas Day. We hope to be in Boulder for a few days and then spend the remaining time in Denver with Tim's family. I am so relieved that my winter coat actually fits over my belly so I won't freeze to death. I hate to buy a winter maternity coat for just one cold week in Colorado. :>

Yes, we did put up a Christmas Tree this year. We bought it from Delancey Street, a great non-profit foudation here in SF. Click here to read about the Delancey Street Foundation.

We'll be back in San Francisco on Christmas night. Tim and I are hoping to get caught up on lazing around and catching up with SF friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi there. i really like your blog. good idea to keep all interested parties informed. i was just thinking about you guys. i have written Christmas cards, but have not mailed them yet. oh well...imagine that! so i thought i would check out your updates. i enjoyed our visit...wonderful seeing you. hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! ---D