Thursday, October 26, 2006

New York City Trip

Our vacation was a really a work trip for Tim, but I did get to enjoy a little down time in NYC this past weekend. Tim had work meetings the majority of the weekend, but we did have time to wander the city. It was my first time to visit the city in the fall, so it was nice to have real fall weather. We didn't get to any
museums, but I think I walked most of the city. We went by the WTC site, which was just huge. They actually started finding more remains the day we were there.

Some highlights of our visit:
- Whoa! The prices of hotels are outrageous! I thought SF was expensive, but I knew nothing! (We were at the W at Union Square...very nice, but I'm still in shock over the prices)
- I spent a great amount of time trying to find cute maternity clothes. They still stink...even in NYC. I did get to shop for all sorts of cool strollers, though.
- I did NO homework! But, I did hang out in the bookstores at every chance. I saw the funniest thing when I was passing the Teen Section of Barnes & Noble. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that both Kim Catrell (Sex & the City fame) and Bill O'Reilley (Fox News) had Self-Help books for teens. What? Are you kidding me? What a spectrum of advice!
- We had great dog watching throughout the city! I thought SF had a lot of dogs, but NY has us beat.
- On Sunday, Tim was able to steal away for dinner with our friends, Tom & Tracy and their son, who used to live in SF. At least Tim got a little socializing in.

Check out the pics...WTC site, some pics in Central Park, a picture of me 5 months pregnant, picture of Union Square & our hotel (W). The Blog website is having problems posting pictures today, so I'll add more later to the post!

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